East Delta University United in Compassion: A Powerful Response to Bangladesh’s Flood Crisis

In the wake of the devastating floods that have swept across the country, the East Delta University (EDU) community has risen to the occasion, demonstrating solidarity, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to those in need. Led by the EDU Women Empowerment and Leadership Fund (WELF) and the EDU Social Service Club, a comprehensive relief initiative has been launched to support flood-affected families in this time of crisis.

Understanding that recovery and rehabilitation from such a catastrophe is a long-term process, East Delta University has committed to being present at every stage of the recovery process—from immediate rescue efforts to long-term rehabilitation. This initiative aims to provide sustained support to those affected by the sudden and fatal flooding, ensuring that no one is left behind in the journey towards recovery.

Central to this effort has been the remarkable support from EDU’s leadership. The Vice Chairman of East Delta University, Mr. Sayeed Al Noman, Vice Chancellor, Professor Nazim Uddin Chowdhury, and Professorial Fellow M Sekbander Khan have made significant contributions to the relief fund. The Convenor of EDU Women Empowerment & Leadership Fund, Miss Tasmeem Chowdhury Bonhi  and the Convenor of EDU Social Service Club, Mr. Kazi Asif Ashrafi has initiated more than just a response to a crisis; it is a testament to the spirit of East Delta University. Their leadership and generosity have set an inspiring example for the entire university community. Their donations, coupled with the efforts of many other faculty members and administrative bodies, have been instrumental in driving this initiative forward.

The students of EDU have also played a pivotal role in these efforts. Their enthusiasm and dedication have been nothing short of extraordinary. From setting up fundraising booths on campus to collecting donations from the wider community, the students have shown immense commitment to supporting the flood-affected. They have been actively involved in every step of the process, from collecting funds and relief items to distributing them to those in need.

The relief effort has seen the collection of a wide range of essential items, including clothes, sanitary napkins, basic medicines, oral saline, drinking water, water purification tablets, and dry food. These items, along with donations of cash and online transfers, are being collected at the EDU campus. The relief packages, which include items such as moori, dates, bread, saline, glucose, biscuits, and cakes, are being prepared for distribution to 1,500 families in the Feni, Khagrachhari, Mirasharai, Lakshmipur, Fatikchhari region.

As the university continues to support the flood-affected, the message is clear: every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant impact. EDU invites everyone to join in this effort, to fill an empty stomach, clothe a shivering body, and help those in distress. In this journey of recovery, every penny counts and together, we can make a difference!