Vibrant Business Fair at East Delta University for Emerging Students as Future Entrepreneurs

EDU Business Fair Spring 2022 (1)

The School of Business Administration has organized a day-long business fair as part of the ‘BUS 101: Introduction to Business’ course. The fair is a way for the students to put what they have learned in the classroom to practice in real life. Students form teams, develop business plans, design/ develop products, come up with a marketing and selling strategy and compete amongst themselves.

The fair started on March 24, 2022, Thursday morning. The designated title was ‘Engaging Minds, Ensuring Success’. University Treasurer Professor Shams-ud Doha inaugurated the fair.

Students participated in two categories in this Business Fair of the Spring 2022 semester. Nine stalls in the handicrafts category and thirteen stalls in the food category displayed and sold their wares at the fair. 

The team securing first place in the handicrafts section was called ‘Brain and Hands’.They set up a stall with bioscopes, calligraphy, recycled products, and oil paintings. The runner-up was the ‘Nourished Nature’ team which participated in the fair with various types of trees. First in the food category was ‘House of Miniatures’, selling miniature versions of various food items. The runner-up was ‘Achariz’ , a group of pickled pickles.

The prize giving ceremony of the fair began at 4:30 pm. While thanking the organizer School of Business, the chief guest Prof. Shams-ud Doha said that the competition sharpens the talent of the students. Such competitions can bring out new ideas of bright geniuses.

Associate Dean of EDU School of Business, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Rokibul Kabir

Bangladesh Society for Human Resources Management (BSHRM) Chittagong Convening Committee Member, and Associate Professor Zahid Hossain Bhuiyan from International Islamic University Chittagong

BSHRM Chittagong Convening Committee Member Chittagong Stock Exchange AGM Arif Ahmed.

Were present as special guests.